I have an Intel Mac using OS 10.5.8, and Firefox v3.5.17. It works fine and I do not want to change as I like Firefox "exactly" the way it is! That said, I will be forced to update soon I'm very afraid. In looking at and trying to update to the latest version, many conflicts have come up. The update consistently brings me to the wrong version for my OS. So, what version will be the latest that will absolutely work for OS 10.5.8? WHY do I find that 4.0X is best then, 16.0!! is the correct one?
As of Firefox 17.0 the minimum Mac OSX required is 10.6+ as the latest version that the old OSX 10.5.x could support was Firefox 16.0.2. As you have a Intel and dependeing on your hardware specs you could update to 10.6.x
Vlc Mac Os X 10.5 8 Download
Once the dowload finishes downloading the file (.dmg), the OS automaticly mounts the file. I then move the file into the app folder. Once it finishes moving I try to open it but it says it isnt compatible with the version of my OS (10.5.8).
You will also see two web browser plugin download links. Those are for playing/streaming videos straight from your browser. The plugins are available for Intel Mac and Power Mac users. They require the OS X version to be 10.5 or lower.
Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard Combo Update _US/MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.8.dmg: Digital Signature AUG 12 2009 Mac OS X 10.4.11 Tiger Combo Update (PowerPC) _US/MacOSXUpdCombo10.4.11PPC.dmg: Digital Signature NOV 14 2007 Mac OS X 10.3.9 Panther Combo Update -bin/nph-reg3rdpty2.pl/product=05640&cat=60&platform=osx&method=sa/MacOSXUpdateCombo10.3.9.dmg: Digital Signature APR 15 2005
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 (old version for Intel) _US/AdbeRdr940_en_US_i386.pkg.zip (Mac OS X Intel 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature SEP 23 2010 + Current Update 9.5.0: _all_i386.dmg: Digital Signature JAN 10 2012 (incremental update, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 _US/AdbeRdr940_en_US_i386.pkg.zip installed!)
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 (current branch for PowerPC) _US/AdbeRdr940_en_US_ppc.pkg.zip (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature SEP 23 2010 + Current Update 9.5.0: _all_ppc.dmg: Digital Signature JAN 10 2012 (incremental update, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 _US/AdbeRdr940_en_US_ppc.pkg.zipinstalled!)
Buzzbird 0.9.1 -osx-0.9.1.zip the last known functioning GUI-based Twitter client for 10.4: (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.4): Digital Signature DEC 18 2010 (system requirements state Mac OS X 10.5 & 10.6 but it functions flawlessly on my old 10.4.11 G3 test system) Camino 1.6.11 (the best current browser available that works on Mac OS X Panther 10.3.9!) =camino-1.6.11&os=osx&lang=en-US (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.3.9): Digital Signature MAR 15 2010
Echofon 1.5 (current branch for PowerPC) _1.5.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.5.8): Digital Signature AUG 18 2011 Firefox 10.0.2 (current branch for Intel) -US/Firefox%2010.0.2.dmg (for PowerPC download 3.6.27 -US/Firefox%203.6.27.dmg or select the correct version of TenFourFox 10.0.2 below) (Mac OS X Intel 10.5-10.7.2): Digital Signature FEB 16 2012 Firefox 9.0.1 (old branch for Intel) -US/Firefox%209.0.1.dmg (for PowerPC download 3.6.26 -US/Firefox%203.6.27.dmg or select the correct version of TenFourFox 10.0.2 below) (Mac OS X Intel 10.5-10.7.2): Digital Signature DEC 20 2011 Firefox 3.6.28 (current branch for Intel and PowerPC) -US/Firefox%203.6.28.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.4.11-10.6.8): Digital Signature MAR 06 2012 Firefox (old branch for PowerPC) -US/Firefox% (outdated, I highly recommend Camino 1.6.11 =camino-1.6.11&os=osx&lang=en-US on Mac OS X Panther 10.3.9 machines) (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.3.9): Digital Signature DEC 17 2008 Google Earth (current branch for Intel) (Mac OS X Intel): Digital Signature DEC 05 2011
iTunes 10.6.3 (current branch for Intel and PowerPC) -6244.20120611.BbHi8/iTunes10.6.3.dmg (requires minimum Safari 5.0.6 for Leopard -1604.20110720.2HQcx/Safari5.0.6Leopard.dmg, Safari 5.1.2 for Snow Leopard -3231.20111128.Xsl87/Safari5.1.2SnowLeopard.dmg or Safari 5.1.2 for Lion -3551.20111129.Fr43e/Safari5.1.2Lion.dmg): (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.5-10.7.2): Digital Signature JUN 11 2012 (This new version remains compatible with PowerPC, especially due to the fact that iPhone 3GS is still being sold, and the minimum requirement for 3GS is a Mac running OS X 10.5.8, which was offered in PowerPC & Intel; will need to remain PowerPC until Apple drops the 3GS, because iTunes is the only way to sync and update an iPhone)
MPlayer OS X 2 B6 (old branch for PowerPC) (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11 & 10.3.9): Digital Signature DEC 12 2004) (the most current available media player for Mac OS X Panther 10.3, Quicktime and VLC fail to properly play .avi files, still works in 2012!) (on old G3 machines, if the video seems choppy or there is a lag between video/narration, go into settings and set to drop frames on old machines. The newest MPlayer for Tiger is too slow on G3!) NeoOffice 2.2.5 -2.2.5-PowerPC.dmg (the most current office suite available for Mac OS X Panther 10.3.9, can open and edit Office 2007 Open XML files!) (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.3.9): Digital Signature Open XML File Format Converter for Mac 1.1.8 -5802-4CF8-914F-77A243907E2B%2fOpenXMLConverter118.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.5 & 10.6-10.7.2): Digital Signature DEC 08 2010 (allows Office 2004 for Mac to open Office 2008+ files)
SeaMonkey 2.0.14 (current branch for PowerPC) -US/SeaMonkey%202.0.14.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature APR 28 2011 SeaMonkey 1.1.18 (old branch for PowerPC) -1.1.18.en-US.mac.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.3.9): Digital Signature JAN 02 2011 The final release, SeaMonkey 1.1.19 is buggy and crashes upon start, do not download!
Skype (current branch for Intel) -macosx.dmg (Mac OS X Intel 10.5.8-10.7.2): Digital Signature AUG 31 2011 No emergency calls with Skype - Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be used for emergency calling
Skype 2.8 (current branch for PowerPC) -macosx-2.8.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature NOV 17 2010 No emergency calls with Skype - Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be used for emergency calling
TenFourFox 10.0.5 ("G3 Processors"): -10.0.5.app.zip (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature FEB 17 2012 (plug-ins including Adobe Flash disabled, for YouTube videos, Flash content edit "about:config"- MacRumors.com how-to =1226744) TenFourFox 10.0.5 -10.0.5.app.zip ("G4 7400 Processors" or which one do I use? ): (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature FEB 17 2012 (plug-ins including Adobe Flash disabled, for YouTube videos, Flash content edit "about:config"- MacRumors.com how-to =1226744) TenFourFox 10.0.5 -10.0.5.app.zip ("G4 7450 (G4e) Processors" or which one do I use? ): (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature DEC 17 2011 (plug-ins including Adobe Flash disabled, for YouTube videos, Flash content edit "about:config"- MacRumors.com how-to =1226744) TenFourFox 10.0.5 -10.0.5.app.zip ("G5 Processors"): (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11-10.5.8): Digital Signature DEC 17 2011 (plug-ins including Adobe Flash disabled, for YouTube videos, Flash content edit "about:config"- MacRumors.com how-to =1226744)
Transmission 0.6.1 -0.6.1.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.3): Digital Signature SEP 13 2006 Twitterrific 4.4.10 -4.4.10.zip (Mac OS X Intel 10.5-10.7.2): Digital Signature JAN 05 2012 Twitterrific 3.2.4 _324.zip (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.5): Digital Signature AUG 19 2010 Final version of Twitterrific that is OAuth compatible with PowerPC (PPC), Mac OS X 10.5, older versions no longer authenticate. Not compatible with PowerPC Mac OS X 10.4. For Mac OS X 10.4, use Buzzbird 0.9.1 -osx-0.9.1.zip or the web. *Echofon 1.5 _1.5.dmg newest Twitter client compatible with OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.5*.
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.7.0 (old branch for PowerPC) -0.7.0.dmg (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.1): Digital Signature DEC 04 2005 Vuze (formerly Azureus) (current branch for PowerPC) _4702/Vuze_4702_macosx.dmg?r=&ts=1321833716&use_mirror=superb-dca2 (tested and works flawlessly under 10.4.11)(crashes on G3, download below for G3 machines) (Mac OS X PowerPC/Intel 10.4 and 10.5): Digital Signature DEC 22 2011 Vuze Azureus (old branch for PowerPC) _obsolete/vuze- (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.4.11): Digital Signature SEP 03 2009 (Final version that runs on G3 Tiger 10.4.11, newer versions crash immediately after starting) (after installing, immediately go into Tools > Options > Interface > Start and disable all options!!!) (if you do not do this, it will start downloading the new version, install it and then crash!) Vuze Azureus (old branch for PowerPC) _obsolete/azureus- (Mac OS X PowerPC 10.3.9): Digital Signature JAN 24 2007 2ff7e9595c