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How to Read Records Of The Grand Historian Epub Files on Your Device


Textual Records: General and special orders, general court-martial orders, and other issuances, 1917-20. Reference library,1917-19. Cablegrams sent and received by the Cable Division,1917-19 (171 ft.). Records of the Miscellaneous Division,including station lists and troop movements files of the TroopMovement Section, 1917-19; and correspondence of the Army FieldClerk Section, 1917-19. Correspondence of the Motor DispatchService, 1918-19. Correspondence and efficiency reports of theOfficers' Division, 1917-19. Records of the Permit Division,1917-19. Correspondence, case files, and other records of thePersonnel Division, 1917-19. Records of the Postal ExpressService, 1918-19. Records of the Statistical Division, includinggeneral correspondence, 1917-19; records of the Officers' RosterSection, Station List Section, and Strength Return Section, 1917-19; name files maintained by the Casualty Information and CheckSection of dead and wounded and of men reported missing in actionor prisoners of war, 1918 (283 ft.); correspondence and lists ofthe Central Records Office relating to American prisoners of warin Germany, and of German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners held bythe AEF, 1918-19.

Records Of The Grand Historian Epub Files

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1917-19 (110 ft.)."History of the U.S. Army Air Service," compiled by Col. Edgar S.Gorrell, 1917-19 (286 vols.), with indexes. Card files ofcasualties, 1917-19. Special reports, histories, and otherrecords relating to Air Service offices, installations, andunits, 1918-19 (114 ft.). Records of the 1st Air Depot (Columbey-les-Belles), Air Service Production Center No. 2 (Romorantin),Spare Parts Subdivision (Nanterre), Treves Airdrome, and 1st-9thCasual Companies, 1918-19. Records of the 2d, 3d, and 7thAviation Instruction Centers; and 1st-4th Mechanics Regiments,1917-19. Records of the 1st-3d Air Parks, 1917-18. Recordsrelating to balloon operations, including correspondence ofBalloon Wing Companies D-F, 1918-19.

Textual Records: Records of the Army Service Corps, 1918-19,including correspondence and issuances of the Director's Office;records of the Labor Bureau; and records of administrative laborcompanies, cement mill companies, censor and press companies,cook companies, guard and provisional guard companies, andprisoner of war escort companies. Records of the chief engineer,including an historical report on engineer activities in the AEF(78 ft.), 1917-19. Records of the Finance Bureau, includinggeneral correspondence, issuances, reports, periodic statementsof disbursements and expenditures, and correspondence of theBoard of Contracts and Adjustments, 1918-19. Correspondence,telegrams, cablegrams, reports, and miscellaneous records of thegeneral purchasing agent and field purchasing agents for GreatBritain, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland, 1918-19. Correspondenceand other records of the Leave Bureau, 1918-19. Records of theMotor Transport Corps, including unit records of administrativeand motorcycle companies, 1917-19; motor overhaul, motorreception, and motor transport service parks, 1918-19; andservice park units, 1917-21. General correspondence, 1917-19 (126ft.), and other records of the chief quartermaster, 1916-21; andrecords of the Graves Registration Service, Remount Division anddepots, Salvage Service, and Supply Division, 1918-19. Records ofthe Renting, Requisition, and Claims Service, 1918-20. Records ofthe chief signal officer, including general correspondence, 1917-19 (156 ft.); an historical file, 1917-19; records of the PigeonService, 1918-19; records of the Division of Research andInspection, 1917-19, and Telephone and Telegraph Division, 1918-19; and records of signal depot battalions, 1917-19, andtelegraph battalions, 1916-21. Records of the TransportationCorps, including general correspondence of the Director Generalof Transportation and of the General Manager of theTransportation Corps; records of the U.S. Army Ambulance Servicewith the French Army; and records (205 ft.) of grand divisions,railway engineer regiments, transportation corps companies, andstevedore regiments, 1917-19. Records of the War Risk InsuranceSection, 1918-19.

Textual Records: General correspondence, issuances, andhistorical files of Headquarters Base Section 1, 1917-19; recordsof section staff officers, 1917-19; and records of sectioninstallations at Angers, Camp Coetquidan, Camp de Meucon,Montoir, Nantes, Saint Nazaire, Saumur, Savenay, and Vannes,1918-19. General correspondence, issuances, and historical filesof Headquarters Base Section 2, 1917-19; records of section staffofficers, 1917-18; and records of section installations at CampAncona, Bassens, Bayonne, Beau Desert, Biarritz, Bordeaux,Coutras, Camp de Souge, Limoges, Pau, Pauillac, Perigueux, andSaint Sulpice, 1918-19. General correspondence, issuances, andhistorical files of Headquarters Base Section 3, 1917-19; recordsof section staff officers, 1917-19; records of the U.S. ArmyLiquidation Mission in England, 1919-20; and records of sectioninstallations at Boscombe Down, Sheffield, Slough, and Witney,England, 1918-19. General correspondence, correspondence of theSection Commander, issuances, and historical files, including asection history, of Headquarters Base Section 4, 1917-19; recordsof section staff officers, 1918-19; and records of sectioninstallations at Calais, Le Havre, and Rouen, 1917-19. Generalcorrespondence, issuances, and historical files of HeadquartersBase Section 5, 1917-19; records of staff officers, 1918-19; andrecords of section installations at Fort Bouguen, Brest,Cherbourg, Fort Federes, Camp Pontaezen, Camp President Lincoln,Rennes, and Saint Servan, 1918-19. General correspondence,issuances, and historical files of Headquarters Base Section 6,1918-19; records of section staff officers, 1918-19; and recordsof section installations at Cannes, Camp d'Ail, Lamalon,Marseille, Miramas, Saint Raphael, and Camp Victor Hugo, 1918-19.General correspondence, telegrams, issuances, and historicalfiles of Headquarters Base Section 7, 1918-19; and records ofHeadquarters U.S. Troops at La Rochelle-La Pallice andHeadquarters U.S. Troops at Rochefort, 1918-19. Generalcorrespondence, telegrams, and historical files of HeadquartersBase Section 8, 1917-19; and records of the U.S. AmbulanceService with the Italian Army, 1918-19.

Textual Records: Headquarters general correspondence, 1917-19.Issuances, 1917-19. Historical files, 1917-19. Correspondence,reports, and other records of section staff officers, 1918-19.Records of Intermediate Section installations at Allerey, Blois,Bourges, Chateau du Loir, Chateauroux, Clermont-Ferrand, Cosne,Cour Cheverny, Gievres, Issoudon, La Courtine, La Guerche, LaValbonne, Lyon, Mars-sur-Allier, Mesvres, Montierchaume, Nevers,Noyers, Pacy-sur-Armancon, Tours, Verneuil, Vichy, and Vouvray,1918-19. Records of the American Embarkation Center, Le Mans,1918-19. Records of the First Replacement Depot, Saint Aignan,1917-19.

Textual Records: Records of the First Army, includingheadquarters general correspondence, issuances, and historicalfiles, 1918-19; records of general staff elements G-1 through G-5, 1918-19; correspondence and other records of the inspectorgeneral and judge advocate, 1918-19; records of the chief of theAir Service, including records of the 1st-3d Pursuit Groups andthe Observation Group, 1918-19; records of the chief ofartillery, including records of First Army Artillery and FirstArmy Artillery Park, 1918-19; and records of the chief engineer,chief ordnance officer, provost marshal, chief quartermaster, andchief surgeon, 1917-19. Records of the Second Army, includingheadquarters general correspondence, issuances, and historicalfiles, 1918-19; records of miscellaneous headquarters units,1918-19; correspondence of the adjutant general and inspectorgeneral, 1918-19; records of the 4th and 5th Pursuit Groups (AirService) and Second Army Observation Group, 1918-19;correspondence of the chief of artillery, 1918-19, including theAnti-Aircraft Service and the Second Army Artillery Park, 1918;correspondence and other records of the chief surgeon, 1917-19;and correspondence of the chief of the chemical warfare service,chief of engineers, chief ordnance officer, provost marshal, andchief signal officer, 1918-19. Records of the Third Army,including headquarters general correspondence, issuances, andhistorical files, 1918-19; records of miscellaneous headquartersunits, 1918-19; correspondence of the personnel adjutant, 1918-19; investigation reports, intelligence summaries, and an officehistory of the inspector general, 1918-19; records of the civilaffairs officer, 1918-19; correspondence of the chief engineer,provost marshal, chief signal officer, and chief surgeon, 1918-19; and records of miscellaneous units and organizations atFortress Asterstein, 1918-20, and at Coblenz, Neuwied, and Trier,Germany, 1919.

Textual Records: Records of I Corps, 1918-19, includingheadquarters general correspondence, issuances, and historicalfiles; records of the adjutant general and judge advocate; andrecords of the engineer, motor transport officer, ordnanceofficer, signal officer, and surgeon. Records of II Corps, 1918-19, including headquarters general correspondence, issuances, andhistorical files; records of the adjutant general; and records ofthe surgeon and corps artillery park. Records of III Corps, 1918-19, including headquarters general correspondence, issuances, andhistorical files; G-1 and G-2 Topographical Sectioncorrespondence; records of the adjutant general, personneladjutant, and judge advocate; and records of the engineer, chiefgas officer, signal officer, surgeon, and corps artillery park.Records of IV Corps, 1918-19, including headquarters generalcorrespondence, issuances, and historical files; correspondenceand telegrams of G-1 through G-4; records of the adjutantgeneral, personnel adjutant, statistical section, and judgeadvocate; and records of the Military Police Company,miscellaneous technical staff elements, and the corps artillerypark. Records of V Corps, 1918-19, including headquarters generalcorrespondence, issuances, and historical files; correspondenceand other records of G-1 through G-3, correspondence of thepersonnel adjutant, correspondence of the inspector, and reportsof division inspectors; and records of the engineer, othermiscellaneous technical staff elements, and the corps artillerypark. Records of VI Corps, 1918-19, including headquartersgeneral correspondence, issuances, and historical files;correspondence of the Statistical Section; and records ofmiscellaneous technical staff elements. Records of VII Corps,1918-19, including headquarters general correspondence,issuances, and historical files; G-1 correspondence;correspondence and other records of the personnel adjutant,inspector, judge advocate, and message center; and records of theMotor Transport Office, Military Police Company, provost marshal,and ordnance officer. Records of VIII Corps, 1918-19, includingheadquarters general correspondence, issuances, and historicalfiles; and records of the engineer, motor transport officer,quartermaster, and corps artillery park. Records of IX Corps,1918-19, including headquarters general correspondence,issuances, and historical files; records of G-1; and records ofthe quartermaster and signal officer. 2ff7e9595c


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